Webinar: Driving to Social Equity with Mobility Incentives

Industry leaders, integrating their social & economic justice objectives with transportation incentives.

The pandemic and a season of protests bring intensified awareness to social justice issues, the climate crisis and economic equity concerns. Simple corporate statements can’t survive pressure for real action.

Organizations are discovering how mobility policy and incentives are a common thread in problem solving for urban and rural workforce access and retention solutions.

The above conversation was all about asking the right questions, and new ways of thinking about mobility policy and individualized incentives as the driver behind our recovery and resilience.


Carla Bailo

President and CEO

Center for Automotive Research

Vickie Lewis

Founder and CEO

VMX, Detroit

Michael Skipper

Executive Director

Greater Nashville Regional Council

Dr James Kuffner

Chief Digital Officer & CEO

Toyota & Toyota AI Research

Michael Rodenberg


Murakami Manufacturing, USA

Dr Trish Holliday


Founder, Holliday | Kenning

Mark Cleveland

CEO & Co-founder

Hytch Rewards