Be sure to provide the URL you are wanting your ads and logos to link to from within the app. All image dimensions are in pixels.
72dpi – Types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF
831×277 | 1662×554 | 2493×831
72dpi – Types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF
[Max file size: 10MB]
72dpi – Types: JPEG, PNG, GIF
Campaign: Murakami
Points earned: 307,020
Unique users: 12
Cash earned: $307.02
Number of trips: 775
Distance traveled 10, 462
This reward applies to:
Only Employees
Condition A:
Trip must terminate inside the destination Geofence
Condition B:
Participants is equal than 1
Condition C:
Transportation mode is different to Ferry
Condition D:
Transportation mode is different to Train
Condition E:
Transportation mode is different to Work from home
Reward A:
For each mile a reward of $0.03 with a cap of: 20 mile(s)
Campaign: Murakami
Points Earned: 27,340
Unique users: 4
Cash earned: $27.34
Number of trips: 48
Distance traveled 916
This reward applies to:
Only Employees
Condition A:
Trip must terminate inside the destination Geofence
Condition B:
Participants is equal than 2
Condition C:
Transportation mode is different to Ferry
Condition D:
Transportation mode is different to Train
Reward A:
For each mile a reward of $0.03 with a cap of: 20 mile(s)