Platform helps commuters, employers and brands reach increasingly aggressive carbon neutral goals.
NASHVILLE, TENN. December 12th, 2019 – As a holiday gift to every American commuter, Hytch announced today its launch of the nation’s largest carbon offset program that is free to any commuter who cares to reduce their carbon footprint. The platform tracks tailpipe emissions from all makes and models of automobiles, then determines how many tonnes of carbon credits Hytch and its partners will purchase to make your trip carbon neutral. Commuters can download the free Hytch app from the Apple App or Google Play stores.
Transportation remains a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Employers, brands and governments are partnering with Hytch to measure and monitor mobility incentives, as they strive to reach commute trip reduction goals and verify shared rides. Any company can join the movement by sponsoring their employees, customers and communities.
"Hytch technology makes carbon zero commuting accessible to everyone,” says J. Thomas Ranken, President and CEO of the Clean Tech Alliance, based in Seattle. “This will really help employers to directly engage the entire workforce in corporate sustainability goals.”
“The scale of this initiative is exciting,” says Steve Hellem, CEO of Suppliers Partnership for the Environment, an innovative collaboration between automakers, their suppliers and the EPA. “Hytch epitomizes what our member companies are committed to: improving the global climate, driving economic development and creating new opportunities for our country.”
A significant shift in commuter behavior is necessary to make progress against pressing quality of life issues, from traffic congestion to air quality concerns. It's important to have an affordable, easy to use and highly trusted logging system delivering a more complete inventory of all trips, including mass transit, walking, biking, carpooling and driving alone.
“Investors, consumers and employees are dialing up the pressure and demanding carbon zero leadership,” says Mark A. Cleveland, Co-Founder of Hytch, based in Nashville. “We find hope for our future when cities and companies of any size make strong carbon neutral commitments. How will they reach those goals without addressing the daily commute? That's the low hanging fruit."
About Hytch Rewards
Hytch Rewards is a mobility incentive platform that gives its mobile app users free access to carbon zero transportation and cash rewards in sponsored areas. Employers and communities use Hytch to promote the habits of sharing a ride, walking, biking or taking mass transit, as users log their daily commutes in real time. To learn more visit or download the app today.